HARP technician installing a hvac system

HARP's industry has been identified as an Essential Business!

What that means for you:

We’re open, fully staffed, and ready to help right now. Call HARP’s highly-trained team 24/7 to tackle your home’s emergencies with ZERO emergency fees!

How We Work & Clean for You

Every one of our expert technicians employs HARP’s cleanliness best-practices, including:

  • Using shoe covers and drop cloths in homes
  • Using waterless soap, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant surface wipes on every job
  • Frequent cleaning of hands, tools, and work surfaces
  • Sick workers are staying home and being paid for sick time

We care about the health of our team, and how their health may affect you. That’s why we ask all technicians to closely monitor their own health and follow CDC guidelines on identifying symptoms, medical testing, and self-isolation.

Enjoy Our Money-Back Guarantee on Maintenance!

Much like your car or your body, your home’s AC system requires regular check-ups to ensure proper function. At HARP Home Services, our AC tune-ups in Hartford can catch potential problems before they become costly repairs and keep your AC running at maximum efficiency to save you money on energy bills. We recommend an annual tune-up just before the season changes to make sure everything is in working order. Our experienced technicians will perform comprehensive maintenance so you can be sure you’ll stay comfortable all year long. In fact, we guarantee your system won’t break down the season following our tune-up, or we’ll refund your service fee or credit your account for any necessary repairs.

Why Should You Schedule Regular AC Tune-Up?

Our factory-trained technicians are ready to provide you with regular AC maintenance to keep your cooling system in prime condition. We believe these tune-ups pay for themselves in the long run by saving you money on costly repairs, wasted energy expenses, and emergency breakdowns and replacements.

When we perform an AC tune-up, we check for:

  • Broken or failing components
  • Cleanliness of the furnace
  • Any issues reducing efficiency or performance
  • Proper thermostat function
  • Parts that require adjustments
  • Overall safety or health risks

We believe in offering you honest, upfront pricing with no surprise charges. When you choose HARP Home Services for furnace tune-ups in Hartford and surrounding areas, you’ll get full transparency. We’re also proud to offer you membership in our Priority Partner Plan, which gives you regular tune-ups, priority scheduling, discounts on repairs, and more.

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