Think about all the time you spend directly in front of or under your AC vents on a hot summer day. Before long, you’re probably reaching for a sweatshirt or blanket for some relief from the cold air — something that can be pretty confusing for your body.
Something similar can happen when you don’t have your thermostat in the right location. While you may not have thought about it before, proper thermostat placement is actually quite important and there are some places you shouldn’t be putting your thermostat. Here are a few bad locations of thermostats in your home:
Thermostat Placement: Next to a Window or Door
Every time you open the window or door, you’re letting outside air in, and that draft can throw off your thermostat. If it’s detecting a different temperature of the air, it can keep your AC on longer or shut it off too soon, leaving you with an uncomfortable home.
Next to the Vent
If your AC is next to an air vent, it will detect that the room is cool and prevent your AC from cycling on as much as it needs to in order to keep your house comfortable.
In Direct Sunlight
If the wall your thermostat is on is hit with direct sunlight all day, it will detect a temperature much warmer than what your home actually is. This will likely result in your AC running much more often, which can hike up your utility bills.
Thermostat Placement In a Hallway
Your thermostat should be in an area that your family spends a good amount of time in, and we’re guessing your hallway isn’t one of those places. This, combined with the fact that hallways can restrict airflow, means that a thermostat in a hallway won’t get an accurate reading of your home’s temperature.
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Best Location for a Thermostat
So what is the best location for a thermostat in a home? In order to allow your thermostat to accurately detect your home’s temperature, you should keep it out of the areas we mentioned and place it centrally in your home — your living room is probably an ideal spot.
Think carefully about the layout of your home for optimal thermostat placement. Depending on your type of system, moving a thermostat can be bothersome so it’s best to have your thermostat location well thought of beforehand.
Moving a Thermostat
Your thermostat placement is less than ideal and you need help figuring out how to move a thermostat. Harp Home Services is here for you.
Moving your thermostat might involve some electrical work, best left to a professional. If you need your thermostat moved or replaced, and for more tips and tricks to getting the most out of your thermostat and HVAC system, call the experts at HARP Home Services LLC. We’ve been serving Hartford and the surrounding communities for over 25 years, and your comfort is always our top priority.